World Obesity Day: Time for Action!

World Obesity Day: Time for Action!

Belgian Assocoation for the Study of Obesity (BASO) launches White Paper “World Obesity Day: Time for Action!” On World Obesity Day Europe

BASO President, Professor Bart Van der Schueren has announced an awareness raising event: World Obesity Day: Time for Action!  on Monday, March 4th, 2024, Wetstraat/Rue de la Loi in Brussels.

Seizing the moment of World Obesity Day and upon the occasion of the Belgian Presidency of the EU, the society has taken the initiative to organise this awareness-raising event.

The BASO white paper, which includes policy recommendations for a holistic approach to obesity as a chronic disease. BASO members are invited to endorse the BASO white paper via this link.

Furthermore, you are cordially invited to the World Obesity Day: Time for Action! on Monday, March 4.  The evening programme takes place 5-9pm.

  • Welcome by the President and introduction to the white paper
  • Elevator pitch of 3 minutes by political parties explaining their point of view on obesity and the actions to take
  • Round table with obesity experts
  • Networking reception

Registration is open via the registration platform.