World Obesity Day Europe 2023

World Obesity Day Europe 2023

World Obesity Day Europe  is part of the global World Obesity Day campaign  representing initiatives and efforts from all across the European region. We are pleased to support this campaign, which is led by ECPO, the European Coalition for People Living with Obesity. The hashtags for the campaign are #ObesityDayEurope and #WorldObesityDay.

Join us as we address obesity together. Together we can change perspectives, drive change and support people with obesity to get the support they need.

WONCA Europe and EASO host joint educational webinar

EASO is a national membership association representing 36 countries working to address obesity across Europe. WONCA Europe represents 47 member organisations and more than 90,000 family doctors.

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World Obesity Day Resources

Many leading international obesity organisations, including ECPO, agreed to support a new aligned World Obesity Day, which took place for the first time on 4 March 2020. In 2023, ECPO will join with the European Association for the Study of Obesity, Obesity Canada, The Obesity Society, the Obesity Action Coalition, Obesity Medicine Association, the Asia Oceania Association for the Study of Obesity, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition and World Obesity, to develop coordinated advocacy campaigns on 4 March.

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