Newsletter February 2022

Newsletter February 2022


We look forward to hosting you at our 29th annual congress in Maastricht 4-7 May 2022. This hybrid event will offer both in-person and online participation options. We are pleased to host this meeting jointly with IFSO-EC.

Learn more and register

World Obesity Day Europe

EASO supports the global World Obesity Day! We invite you to become involved in Obesity Day Europe on 4 March 2022

Award Submission Now Open!

Consider entering your contribution to win a prestigious EASO ECPO

Submission Deadline – May 2nd, 2022

Award Categories

EASO Award for The Best National Training Programme
In recognition of excellence for obesity management training organised in Europe. It may have been conducted nationally, regionally, or locally and may be awarded to organisations or individuals.

The ECPO Award for The Best Patient Engagement Programme
For the best engagement with patients with obesity in Europe. This could include supporting patients who have obesity or providing help and information for those who are recovering from the disease. Open to European patient organisations, support groups, members of the medical profession and individuals.

The ECPO Award for The Best Public Engagement Programme
In recognition of awareness and information building about obesity and its treatment. Such engagement could include, for example, a traditional or social media campaign, or the organisation of a public event in conjunction with World Obesity Day in Europe.

The EASO Award for The Best Collaborative Project
For the best collaborative approach to promoting World Obesity Day Europe. Have you held an excellent event in conjunction with other partners for example? Or have you found another novel way of collaborating with others to draw attention to and promote this very important day in the obesity calendar?

Learn more and apply

Practical Tips for Obesity Management

Friday, March 4, 2022 6:00pm – 7:30pm CET

EASO, in conjunction with WONCA, the World Organisation of Family Doctors, warmly invites you to join our webinar on #ObesityDayEurope designed to provide GPs with practical solutions and takeaways around obesity management.

Read more here

“The EU must declare war on obesity” – Highlights from the Carruba – Nisoli interview in the European Scientist

Professors Enzo Nisoli and Michele Carruba:

“We must have the courage to objectively assess the current obesity pandemic to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic even better.

More than ever, the European institutions need to not just think seriously about how to eliminate this public health crisis, but also take concrete actions to do so.”

EASO is pleased to share highlights from a recent interview published in the European Scientist about the importance of addressing obesity, particularly during COVID-19.

Read more

Obesity connect: Policy Briefing

The World Health Organisation’s Executive Board output includes a major milestone for the obesity policy community.

For the first time in recent history, The WHO Executive Board is discussing the prospect of a Resolution that would place obesity squarely within the NCD (non-communicable diseases) framework as an NCD in its own right.

How has this come about?

Learn more here

Dr. Grace O’MalleyNeuromusculoskeletal health in pediatric obesity: Incorporating evidence into clinical examination

New research from EASO Secretary Dr Grace O’Malley, a paediatric physiotherapist and clinical researcher specialised in childhood obesity and exercise science.

The paper is written in collaboration with leading global experts in the area of paediatric physical fitness and function, specifically neuromusculoskeletal health.

Read more

Purpose: Understanding the nature and prevalence of obesity stigma in employment: an invitation to participate

This current piece of research aims to understand the nature and prevalence of stigma that people living with obesity experience in employment. IES is undertaking some primary data collection to gather experiences of employees living with obesity, the roles they are in and if they have perceived or experienced discrimination at work, what adjustments (if any) they have had in the workplace, and what they think employers can do to support employees living with obesity at work.

Learn more here


Obesity Facts Logo

The current issue includes a systematic review, research and review articles on weight loss surgery and work; sleep, screen time and overweight,; exercise training for adolescents with obesity; liraglutide use for weight loss in “real world” settings and more – all available open access.

Volume 15 issue 1, 2022 is available along with online first articles.

Read more here

The Ascend Global Obesity Training Programme

The Academy for Science and Continuing Education in Diabetes and Obesity (ASCEND) is a CME-accredited programme designed to improve care for people with diabetes and obesity worldwide.

The FREE ASCEND E-learning Portal includes over 30 hours of learning in English, Spanish, French and German and is accredited by EACCME.

New live training available in Edmonton and New Brunswick Canada, April 25-29 2022 in English and French!

Learn more here

Join the Early Career Network

Established in 2005, the Early Career Network (ECN) acts as an informal community for early career professionals to connect and collaborate on projects and come together to share experiences and expertise.

We host our annual Winter School live in Napoli this month.

Join today!

The PROTEIN Project is a research initiative led by a consortium of European public- and private-sector organisations working to promote health and wellbeing. Bringing together experts from across Europe, PROTEIN will develop tools using AI to provide personalised nutrition and physical activity support to people in the EU.

The PROTEIN Project app, supporting personalised health approaches is available free on Google Play

Visit the PROTEIN Project Website

EASO is pleased to support this new 5 year EU funded H2020 initiative. TIMESPAN, led by scientific coordinator Professor Henrik Larsson (Örebro University), includes 17 partners from across academia, industry, and patient advocacy communities, and aims to foster improvement in clinical management of adults living with with ADHD and co-occurring cardiometabolic disease, including obesity.

Learn more here

SWEET, a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded project, is supported by a consortium of 29 pan-European research, consumer and industry partners, who are in the process of reviewing and developing evidence on long term benefits and potential risks involved in switching over to sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SEs) in the context of public health and safety, obesity, and sustainability.

Visit the SWEET Website

We are excited to support the launch of People First Imagery – this resource could be a game changer for people with obesity across Europe.

Learn more and view all the People First photos online