Media coverage from Wednesday 4 May

Media coverage from Wednesday 4 May

The first day of the congress enjoyed extensive coverage, with the WHO report and other studies appearing across global media. Some highlights are included below and a general coverage report will appear on the EASO website in the weeks following the congress.

Combined media release:

Posters PO4.78 Obesity-related complications and healthcare resource use in six European countries: the RESOURCE survey / PO4.20
Use of weight loss strategies in six European countries: results from the RESOURCE survey

Yahoo News

ABC News (Spanish)

9News (Australia)


Late breaker LBP3.07 To what extent do the dietary patterns of young people taking part in the FUEL study meet the requirements of a global planetary health diet?

Sky News

Ireland Live (News site, Ireland)

Polish News (Poland)

More coverage – WHO Europe Report on Obesity

Irish Independent
