Dr Tryggvi Helgason

Vice-President Northern Region

Dr Tryggvi Helgason

Tryggvi Helgason, MD, is a pediatrician and clinical researcher who specialises in childhood obesity. He studied medicine in Reykjavik, Iceland and finished pediatrics in the Sophia children's hospital in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He leads the Health school, the childhood obesity clinic in Landspitali, University hospital in Reykjavík, Iceland.

He is the current president of the Icelandic association for the study of obesity, but mainly a clinical pediatrician. He has met over 1000 families, where the children have obesity, assisting them in their search for healthy lifestyles in an obesogenic environment. He participates in developing national programs and guidelines in Iceland and is enthusiastic about teaching health care professionals, institutions and the general public about what obesity is.

His current interest include research on obesity in Iceland, background, treatments and future consequences of childhood obesity. And finding and implementing preventive measures on societal level to decrease the number of children and grown ups developing obesity in the future.