Applications are now open: Early Career Network Winter School, November 14-16, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Applications are now open: Early Career Network Winter School, November 14-16, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

EASO Early Career Network Winter School
Palma De Mallorca, Spain
Hotel Palma Bellver
14-16 November 2024

The EASO Early Career Network (ECN) Board looks forward to welcoming members of the ECN to the ECN Winter School 2024, in Palma De Mallorca, Spain, on 14-16 November 2024.

Applications are now open

The Winter School is an annual, three-day educational course on ‘Hot Topics in Obesity’, which provides delegates with the opportunity to improve knowledge and understanding of key issues in research, advocacy, long-term management and public health. All eligible ECN members are encouraged to apply to the Winter School for one of 40 funded places.

Delegates will learn from experts across the field of obesity in public health, basic science, childhood obesity and clinical obesity management. Speakers will deliver an informative and interactive programme using a combination of plenary-style lectures, open discussions and informal interaction.

Advice from experts on career development will be available, and delegates will also share their own research with colleagues through poster presentation sessions. Upon completion of the course, we hope that participants will have received a thorough grounding in obesity, and will have learned new skills to develop their research or clinical practice.

Previous ECN Winter School programmes have included these topics:

  • Metabolic dysfunction in obesity
  • Evaluating obesity in a clinical setting and measuring adiposity beyond BMI
  • Bariatric/metabolic surgery for obesity treatment
  • Psychological aspects underlying obesity
  • Childhood obesity from clinical and public health perspectives
  • Current focuses in nutrition research
  • Processes underpinning the development of pharmacotherapies
  • Effective collaboration with industry
  • Patient perspectives and obesity stigma
  • Role of environments in obesity management
  • The genetics and neurobiology of obesity
  • Physical activity to support health
  • The importance of sleep and chronotype for obesity

ECN members from all obesity-related disciplines are encouraged to apply. Please reach out to EASO ECN Board members for more information.

The ECN Winter School Draft Programme is now available.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has provided sponsorship funding to support this event and have had no input into the organisation or content of the event.