Declaration for National Action Plans on Obesity

Declaration for National Action Plans on Obesity

On 4 March 2022 the MEP Interest Group on Obesity and Health System Resilience for which EASO acts as the expert secretariat, will host a public event to launch its Declaration for National Action Plans on Obesity. You are invited to join virtually.

The declaration launch will be followed by three panel discussions:

  • One year on from the launch of the MEP Interest Group
  • WHO Europe Obesity Report: What is there and what is missing?
  • “Healthier Together”: How can we support Member States to make a difference on obesity?

World Obesity Day Europe 2022 #ObesityDayEurope on social media, is the perfect opportunity to take stock; in the past year, the Commission’s Policy Briefing categorises obesity as an NCD in its own right and as a gateway disease to other priority NCDs. We want to  consider how to move forward to support EU Member States in evidence-based policy interventions that can enable them to apply an NCD framework in addressing obesity.

The event will be available in English, French and Spanish.

Register here: