Clinical Exchange and Professional Development

Clinical Exchange and Professional Development

Congratulations to Dr NurselL Çalik Basaran, from Ankara, Turkey, who recently undertook a 4 month exchange program in Tel Aviv at the Rabin Medical Center Hasharon Hospital and Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tiqwa, Israel.

This training will support development of a new multidisciplinary Collaborating Centre for Obesity Management (COM). EASO hopes to re-start our popular COMs Exchange and Mentoring Network Programme in 2024

Dr Nursell writes

“I am a general internal medicine specialist and had a four-month training period in Multidisciplinary Obesity Clinics at Rabin Medical Center Hasharon Hospital and Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tiqwa (Israel) between June and September 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dror Dicker. I joined with experienced internal medicine specialists and endocrinologists on obesity in the multidisciplinary clinics. I observed the details of history taking, initial and follow-up evaluation of the patient with obesity, and multidisciplinary management with dietitians, physiotherapists, social workers, general surgeons, and gastroenterologists. Also, I learned about behavioral, nutritional, pharmacological, bariatric, (endoscopic and surgical) therapy choices. I had experience in surgical preparation and postsurgical follow-up of obese patients, adverse events, and how to manage these problems. It was a pleasure for me to join valuable, kind, and knowledgeable colleagues in their clinics and discover the magical atmosphere of Israel.”
Dr Nursel Çalık Başaran

Hacettepe University, Medical Faculty, Internal Medicine Department, General ınternal Medicine Division