Association for the Study of Obesity North West: Patient Council Blog

Association for the Study of Obesity North West: Patient Council Blog

Steering Committee member Ken Clare blogs on the recent ASONW meeting

On the 12th of May I was delighted to be invited to speak at the North West UK meeting of the Association for the Study of Obesity, Obesity Management: A selection of stakeholder viewpoints was an interesting meeting with an enthusiastic audience and a variety of speakers who provided a balanced view.

Dr Ruth Carson,Consultant Lead Psychotherapist, Head of Eating Disorders Service, Mersey Care NHS Trust, kicked off the event with a great talk – “How might a psychological perspective enhance the work of weight management and bariatric services?”.

I was proud to fly the EASO Patients Council banner by sharing a presentation “My journey: Weight management from a patient perspective”. In addition to my role in the Patient Council, I am founder of online weight-loss information website WLSInfo

Fiona Chan, weight management dietician, Salford Royal Foundation NHS Trust, gave a stimulating talk entitled “Dietary guidance for medical and surgical weight management”.

The session ended with Dr Juliet McGrattan, who is the Public Health England Clinical Champion for Physical Activity in the North West and resident GP for Women’s Running UK magazine, gave an energising talk:  “Physical activity in weight loss”.

Audience feedback was excellent and all agreed it was a fantastic event.

Full details of the meeting can be found here:

Obesity management: A selection of stakeholder viewpoints’. ASO North West Regional Group, Liverpool, 12th May 2016.