The Best Thesis Award will be presented at ECO2025, taking place in Malaga, Spain from 11-14 May 2025.

The EASO Early Career Network (ECN) Best Thesis Award aims to recognise early career researchers and their contribution to the field of obesity. Early career scientists are encouraged to apply for the award to gain recognition for their thesis at an international level.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 January 2025  – late applications will NOT be considered.  Results will be announced in late February 2025 – all applicants will be contacted by email to announce the ECN Board decision.

To be eligible for the EASO ECN Best Thesis Award you must:

  • Be nearly completing or have completed your PhD thesis
  • Have carried out the majority of work in Europe (although a proportion of work may have been performed outside of Europe)
  • Be a member of an EASO affiliated national obesity association 

The ECN Best Thesis Award finalists will be invited to present their research at ECO2025 in Malaga, and will be offered complimentary registration to do so.  The ECN Best Thesis Award will be judged and the winner announced during the session. The winner will receive an award certificate and a €500 cash prize. Please apply using the form below.

Guidance for your application

In your application you should provide a brief summary of your thesis, highlighting any publications you have authored related to it, and highlighting how your work has contributed to the field of obesity. Your thesis will need to be in English for it to be assessed. The originality of your work and its contribution to science will be considered as part of the application.

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